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for a long time i didnt think much of my poor hygiene-

i didnt think anything of it actually.

i was sixteen when i learned that it was a direct result of the sexual abuse i endured as a child.

although, by that time

i had started to maintain it much more than i ever had as a child.


only enough to keep people from noticing.


i was maturing into a woman.

boys had started to notice me,

i didnt want to be the focus, the poster child at school of poor hygiene.


i showered regularly,

i learned to shave my legs,

i wore deoderant.

i had even started doing my hair and a small touch of daily makeup.

things that up until teenagehood i had struggled severely with

like simply brushing my hair.

or changing my clothes.


if my parents wouldnt have paid for sealants on my teeth as a child I probably wouldnt have any real ones today.

i never brushed my teeth.

and i couldnt tell you why, it was just so damn hard.

showering mightve been my only hygienic practice as a child.

but even then,

i never washed my body, only my hair.

i remember the day my mom found out i wasnt washing properly,

i realized what a freak i really was.

of course, at that time, my trauma was mostly blocked by my subconscious.

i knew i didnt like to be touched.

i knew i wanted to look like a boy.

older men didnt want to touch little boys,



i was dead wrong,

i learned a little while later just how wrong i really was.

that it doesnt matter if youre a boy or if youre a girl.

that children will always be prey.

but thats a different story for a different day.


im in my mid-twenties.

and if you looked me up and down, you would never know that I once struggled so excessively with everyday hygiene.

now im in my mid-twenties

and im in charge of someone elses hygiene.

a tiny someone.

and it was my fear for a long time that i might fail her with poor hygeine.

but if im being honest,

i think were doing pretty good so far.

sometimes little victories mean so much.


Author: xx

the worst.

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