page 53 of 365

im over emotional,

that much is certain.

i go through phases; sometimes i feel like the moon-

or maybe the tides.

waxing and waning.

ebbing and flowing.

the difference between myelf and these correlations being that the cycles of my life do not run on any fixed time.

12 hours does not guarantee change.

nor seven days.

nor twenty eight.

sometimes its longer, much longer.

sometimes its not.

and so it goes.

i know that the actual act of the cycle holds a deep purpose. afterall, how could the moon ever grow to be full and bright if it was never once also hidden behind the night sky?

i know that my low points are of equal importance to my high ones-

its a balance between the two that im in angst to find.

the funny thing is

sometimes when im up, i swear i got it all figured out: the balance.

hell, sometimes even when i’m down i do.

but then life sends a new wave to show me that I, in fact, do not have a fucking clue about balance- sure maybe in thoery, but definitely not in practice. not in reality.

and maybe thats just the thing.

maybe were not meant to.

– anonymous

Author: xx

the worst.

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